How to build software: Do it. Document it. Then Automate it.I ran a startup studio which consulted by building tech for 50+ startups over 6 years. These 3 steps are the most common advice I gave to…Jun 28, 2024Jun 28, 2024
When good business advice is wrong for you.There is plenty of good advice for starting a business out there. However, “good advice” is relative. What makes sense for one situation…Jun 19, 20241Jun 19, 20241
3 Conversations that will immediately level-up a PMInformation, understanding and insights are the currency of a good PM. Being in the know, knowing the facts, and being able to reference…Apr 5, 2024Apr 5, 2024
Published inPeople In ProductWhat changes as PM levels up?If you’re wanting to know how to level up your career in Product, it helps to know what actually changes as you progress. A career in PM…Dec 12, 20231Dec 12, 20231
Technical PMs don’t need to codeThere are many ways to become more technical as a Product Manager without learning how to code. Don’t get me wrong, having experience in…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Hold strong opinions tightlyI often hear people claim to have “strong opinions, loosely held,” as if it’s a good thing. But this is actually a toxic stance that…Aug 13, 20231Aug 13, 20231
Demystifying Product Market FitProduct Market Fit is the holy grail of early-stage startups, but it is so poorly understood. It’s why I’ve previously posted on Why PMF is…Jul 7, 2023Jul 7, 2023
10 Principles behind great Product teams“Should we use Scrum, Kanban, or SAFe?” is a version of a question I get asked all too often. I’ve found it’s more useful to answer these…Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
🎄 Building your PM careerDespite being a relatively new discipline, Product Management is incredibly popular as a career choice. It is often seen as easy to get…Jun 11, 20231Jun 11, 20231
How investors evaluate startupsA vast majority of startups don’t raise series A. 2022 saw only a third of the number of Series A than Seed rounds in Africa. This is…Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023